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Assistant Choirmaster and Organist
Grace & Holy Trinity Church | Richmond, Virginia
Grace & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia is seeking a part-time Assistant Choirmaster and Organist to work approximately 15 hours per week. This position will report to the Choirmaster and Organist. The church has a rich tradition of excellent music that ministers to the spiritual needs of parishioners and to the Richmond community. The Assistant will share the organ playing with the Choirmaster and Organist for one Sunday morning worship service and accompany the Parish Choir rehearsals on Thursday evenings from September-June. The Assistant will also occasionally conduct the Parish Choir or vocal ensembles at worship services and lead sectional rehearsals. The church has a beautiful 63 rank 1979 Austin organ with a Trompette-en-Chamade and Antiphonal division.
See the full job description, including instructions for submitting an application, here.
Posted January 21, 2025. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.