Sharing Our Stories: Becky Taylor
I have been working in one capacity or another with Children’s Choirs in the Episcopal Church, with a couple of detours, for over 60 years. About two years ago, my Rector wanted to do a simple Compline service on Wednesday nights, following children’s rehearsals.
My first reaction was not enthusiastically positive. I knew that I needed that 15 minutes between children and a two-hour adult rehearsal to breathe, but I cooperated, and I want to share that the service has evolved into the best thing that I have ever experienced with children.
After a few weeks of youth and adult readers not showing up, and the subsequent construction of a new rehearsal space, we have settled into a really wonderful habit that is growing and becoming part of our church life together. The children read the service, two at a time, with an adult pointing out the sharing of the reading and helping with unfamiliar words. As parents come to pick up the children they join in the service. Adult choir members have begun coming 10 minutes early to sing with the children the Barnby “Nunc” and Ana Hernandez’ exquisite “Guide us waking.” We have a tutoring/mentor program with neighborhood children, and we have one of those students that loves to read. More and more tutors have shown up with their students.
The readers do not always know the meaning of what they’re reading, although I do try to pull one word or idea (i. e., “hide me under the shadow of your wings” “apple of your eye”) to talk a little about each week. The younger children sometimes play or run around the adults and children seated on the floor or standing around the edges. Our singing is mostly in unison, depending on the numbers of adult choir members. We have begun FB streaming the service.
It is now my favorite service and I am so thankful that these worshippers are learning one more of the abundant liturgies that we have available in the Episcopal church. Reports from parents have been of children quoting or asking to sing parts of the service at home during the rest of the week. I invite you to try this practice!”
Becky Taylor
Church of the Ascension
Montgomery, Alabama