RSCM America Co-sponsors Sacred Choral Clinic at Duke
On Saturday, January 20, 2024, Duke University Chapel hosted a sacred choral music clinic featuring Dr. Anton Armstrong of the renowned St. Olaf Choir as the guest clinician. The event was co-sponsored by RSCM America and the North Carolina chapter of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). The clinic, the first of its kind at Duke Chapel, invited area choir directors and singers to collectively learn four pieces of music selected by Dr. Armstrong, all of which were liturgically appropriate to the upcoming season. The pieces selected were Director of Chapel Music Zebulon M. Highben’s Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days, Roland Carter’s O Lord, Have Mercy, Eric Nelson’s When Memory Fades, and Rollo Dilworth’s I Sing Because I’m Happy. Highben also announced that the 2025 choral clinic will happen on Saturday, January 25, 2025, with guest clinician Dr. Pearl Shangkuan, professor of music at Calvin University, chorus master of the Grand Rapids Symphony, and president-elect of the ACDA.
Photos below taken by RSCM America Staff Specialist Katelyn MacDonald.